We offer a range of low cost and bulk billed Telehealth Psychology appointmentsTelehealth Psychology with no hidden fees
The Psychologists we work with offer appointments in different price ranges. Please view their profiles to find out more and select the Psychologist you would like to work with. Once you have selected your Psychologist click on the booking form to view their fees.
All prices include GST
Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information regarding cancellation fees.
Bulk Billing – No Cost To You
Medicare Rebate – Gap Fee to Pay
Eligible clients need a Mental Health Care Plan from their GP. You need to ask your GP to fax a copy of your Mental Health Care Plan to us at (07) 3540 8136 before your first appointment. Your credit card details will be taken at the time of booking and the total fee will be charged to this card after your appointment. If you see a Generally Registered Psychologist will receive a rebate of $96.65 and if you see a Clinical Psychologist you will receive a rebate of $141.85. The Medicare Rebate will automatically be processed and deposited into your nominated account. If for any reason Medicare finds you are not eligible for a rebate your credit card will be billed the full amount for the appointment.
Privately Paying Clients
You will pay all the costs of your treatment. Your credit card details will be taken at the time of booking and the full amount charged to this card. If you are unsure if you are eligible for any funding assistance please give us a ring and we can discuss funding options with you. We accept a range of funding options including Medicare, Private Health Insurance/Funds, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Employee Assistance and Work Cover Claims. We are also happy to work with organisations and services to try to ensure everyone is able to access a psychologist.
Payment is made after the appointment has been completed. If you are bulk billing you will not be charged for your appointment
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major debit/credit cards. We unfortunately cannot accept cheques or bank transfers.
Are there any long-term contracts?
There are no contracts or long-term commitments, but we do believe that change happens over time and the best results come about during a long-term relationship with your psychologist.
Do I require a GP or Doctors referral?
Referrals are not required unless you are claiming rebates from medicare, health funds, employee assistance, or disability insurance.
What is video therapy?
Video therapy uses a secure video service which allows you to have a full interactive therapy session while not leaving your home or office.
What is chat therapy?
Chat therapy uses a secure messaging service which allows you to have a chat conversation with your Psychologist in real time. This enables you to have a psychological therapy session from your home or office at a time that is convenient for you.
What is email therapy?
Email therapy enables you to communicate with your Psychologist through an email platform. This offers you the flexibility of ensuring the time is right for you to discuss your concerns.
Medicare will provide a rebate for 10 psychology sessions a calendar year
For more detailed information about the rebate for this service please contact Medicare directly:
Medicare General Enquiries
Ph:132 011
Email: [email protected]
Health funds
Please consult with your health fund or private insurance provider to see if they cover online psychological treatment.
Employee Assistance Program
The costs of this therapy may be covered by your ‘ Employee Assistance Program’ or Wellbeing benefits scheme at your workplace. Please enquire with the EAP provider for your workplace.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
We are able to provide telehealth Psychological services for children and adults with plan managed and self managed NDIS packages. Please contact us or visit to discuss a referral to our service.
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
We can provide telehealth Psychological services through DVA. If you have been a member of the Australian Defence Force please contact DVA to find out if you are eligable
Work Cover
We are able to provide telehealth Psychological assistance for Work Cover claims. Please contact us to provide your claim number and then we can make contact with your claims advisor to confirm eligablilty.
Telehealth Psychology
for YOUR life
in YOUR time
Telehealth Psychology is a way for you to receive a valuable service in a different format, one that better suits your needs and your situation.
It takes the technology we use everyday and puts it to use in a way that’s beneficial to your life, in the moment that suits you best.
One in five Australians struggle with mental illness but less than half seek treatment, according to the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. There are millions of people that could benefit from therapy but don’t seek the help they need because traditional therapy doesn’t adapt to their unique situation.
PsychHelp is here to change that.
Ready to talk to a Telehealth Psychologist?