“Do I need a Mental Health Care Plan?” Darren

No, you do not need a Mental Health Care Plan to access PsychHelp.  You are welcome to make a appointment at any time.  Just click on the profile of the Psychologist you have selected and you can make an appointment at a time that suits you.  Please go to the PsychHelp Team Page to find your Psychologist.

A Mental Health Care Plan is something you develop with your GP.  This plan allows you to access Medicare rebates to help with the costs of seeing a Psychologist.

The first step you need to take is making an appointment with your GP.  You do not need a care plan or referral before you book an appointment with the PsychHelp Psychologists but if you want to access the Medicare rebate you will need a care plan and referral from your GP before your first appointment.   Medicare rebates are available for Telehealth services for all Australians.

The plan will include the reason you are seeking help, a little about your history (you do not have to discuss this if you don’t want to), and if you feel that you may harm yourself or others.  The actual plan will look at your goals, the treatments and interventions which can support you to reach your goals and any referrals that need to be made.  Your GP may also provide you with information to read regarding your problems.  You will need to sign your plan and attend a review appointment with your GP within 6 months.

You do not need a formal mental health diagnosis to get a Mental Health Care Plan.  The plans are suitable for people who are feeling sad, worried or angry, up to people who have serious long-term mental health concerns. To access the Medicare funding for Telehealth services you need a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP.

In all situations your Psychologist will write to your GP to confirm you are attending appointments. In some situations, your GP and Psychologist with your consent may work closely together to support you to achieve your mental health goals.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 1300 14 HELP (1300 14 4357).