“How many sessions will it take me to feel better?” Renee Thank you for your question Renee. I picked this question as I think it is something most people wonder about when coming to a Psychologist for the first time. While I am unable to provide you...
A truly talented psychologist should know things about you before you say them. They should be able to get information from multiple sources rather than just what you say and put this together into a picture that helps you heal. They should look at your body...
When a baby is born it is a time where society expects new parents to be extremely happy with their new arrival. This is the reality for some parents with the arrival of a new baby being a wonderful time in their lives. Even for these parents...
Chronic pain hurts, its tiring, and over time it wears you down mentally and physically. The reasons for chronic pain are not well understood. Pain is protective and helps us to understand our world, however if it becomes chronic it can cause significant problems...
“I have had periods of depression since I was about 15 years old. I have seen a Psychologist and generally my mental health has been pretty good until I got really sick with a cold recently. It took me a while to get over the physical symptoms and I went...