I had a great Ask a Psychologist question from Skyler regarding communicating with customers during COVID-19. After this question I started to look at the research around COVID-19 and mental health. There are multiple considerations for mental health with COVID-19...
Chances are at some point in the next few months you may need to isolate for a period of time. Social isolation can have a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health as humans need social contact. When you are isolated it can feel more difficult to deal...
A truly talented psychologist should know things about you before you say them. They should be able to get information from multiple sources rather than just what you say and put this together into a picture that helps you heal. They should look at your body...
When a baby is born it is a time where society expects new parents to be extremely happy with their new arrival. This is the reality for some parents with the arrival of a new baby being a wonderful time in their lives. Even for these parents...
That person who is supposed to be the nicest to you in the world. The one who is supposed to be there for you no matter what and love you unconditionally. Your Mother. The maternal relationship has been around since before we even became human and is seen in almost...
Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is just a complicated way of saying that after something bad or scary has happened the person feels ongoing stress or anxiety. Two thirds of people experience traumatic events in their lifetime, so you are more likely than not to...