

As a Psychologist it is more common to come across a person who has been hurt or abused by someone with narcistic traits. It is less common to have someone book in to see you because they are struggling with their own narcissism. Why is this?  Generally, people with...
The PsychHelp Team is growing

The PsychHelp Team is growing

I don’t have a new blog for you this month as big things have been happening behind the scenes.   I am excited to announce that the PsychHelp team of Psychologists is growing.  PsychHelp has been getting busier as people realise the ease and convenience...
What does the ‘still face’ experiment teach us about connection?

What does the ‘still face’ experiment teach us about connection?

Humans are born ready for connection. The way we are parented has long term and ongoing effects on our functioning. The effects of our early life can trigger a cascade of changes genetically, cognitively, socially, and physically which can have either positive or...
Breaking up is hard to do

Breaking up is hard to do

In a previous post I discussed why relationships are important but what about when relationships don’t go well? Humans are born to need love and to give love.  Love is as important to us as food and without healthy love we struggle to thrive just as we do without...
No one will tell you, but you need to stop drinking

No one will tell you, but you need to stop drinking

As a Psychologist I have seen the effects of alcohol first hand on my client’s health, relationships, careers, and finances.  For many people alcohol use creeps up on them over time.  In many cases, the negative impact it is having on their health and wellbeing only...
New parents need help too

New parents need help too

When a baby is born it is a time where society expects new parents to be extremely happy with their new arrival.  This is the reality for some parents with the arrival of a new baby being a wonderful time in their lives.  Even for these parents...