Why seeing a psychologist during pregnancy is helpful

Why seeing a psychologist during pregnancy is helpful

The common narrative around pregnancy is that women glow.  It is supposed to be a happy and enjoyable time. However, what if you do not feel like this? Pregnancy is a time of raging hormones and significant transitions; therefore it is no wonder that some women find...
Parenting a child with an eating disorder

Parenting a child with an eating disorder

One of the most fundamental roles a parent has is to provide nutrition to their children.  When a child has an eating disorder this role can become confusing and contentious.  There is a lot to get your head around when your child has an eating disorder but if you get...


As a Psychologist it is more common to come across a person who has been hurt or abused by someone with narcistic traits. It is less common to have someone book in to see you because they are struggling with their own narcissism. Why is this?  Generally, people with...
The PsychHelp Team is growing

The PsychHelp Team is growing

I don’t have a new blog for you this month as big things have been happening behind the scenes.   I am excited to announce that the PsychHelp team of Psychologists is growing.  PsychHelp has been getting busier as people realise the ease and convenience...