Chances are at some point in the next few months you may need to isolate for a period of time. Social isolation can have a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health as humans need social contact. When you are isolated it can feel more difficult to deal...
There are many reasons why a person may reach a stage in their life where they ask this question. It may be because of family disruption when they were young, not adjusting to high school, developed mental health difficulties or used alcohol and other drugs. As a...
Anger is a normal and healthy human emotion in many circumstances, however if it is intense, causes you to act aggressively or in a way you are unhappy with or you feel anger all the time it may be considered a problem. Anger can be thought of as a response to a real...
The festive period can leave many people struggling. For some, embracing the merry in Christmas and the happy in the new year can be a challenge and the festive events and traditions can weigh heavy. At this time of year my thoughts go to: • Those who have lost a...
Circle of Security TM is an early intervention program for parents and children however; many of the ideas from this program apply to everyone. This is because even if you are not parents yourselves you will have had the experience of being parented. This program is...
Being motivated to make changes in your life is an important part of psychological therapy. Learning about the stages people go through when they want to make a change can help you to figure out where you are currently. It also provides you with un understanding of...