I had a great Ask a Psychologist question from Skyler regarding communicating with customers during COVID-19. After this question I started to look at the research around COVID-19 and mental health. There are multiple considerations for mental health with COVID-19...
Chances are at some point in the next few months you may need to isolate for a period of time. Social isolation can have a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health as humans need social contact. When you are isolated it can feel more difficult to deal...
I don’t have a new blog for you this month as big things have been happening behind the scenes. I am excited to announce that the PsychHelp team of Psychologists is growing. PsychHelp has been getting busier as people realise the ease and convenience...
Humans are born ready for connection. The way we are parented has long term and ongoing effects on our functioning. The effects of our early life can trigger a cascade of changes genetically, cognitively, socially, and physically which can have either positive or...
As a Psychologist I have seen the effects of alcohol first hand on my client’s health, relationships, careers, and finances. For many people alcohol use creeps up on them over time. In many cases, the negative impact it is having on their health and wellbeing only...
Chronic pain hurts, its tiring, and over time it wears you down mentally and physically. The reasons for chronic pain are not well understood. Pain is protective and helps us to understand our world, however if it becomes chronic it can cause significant problems...